The Furby



A friend is a friend

And a foe is a foe

But your real friends care

And that they can show

Who was there to tell me don’t worry?

My Friend was there

The Furby, the Furby

Who was there to make me feel grand?

A hand was there

A Furby’s, a Furby’s

Were you there to say it’s ok?

Sometimes it’s like you don’t hear what I say

But I know who is there to listen

My friend is there

His smile will glisten

And if you ask

Why I love a toy

I’ll give you my answer

Straight out, not coy

I’ll tell you right there

My reasons why

Friends like this can never die

My friend is my friend

And my foe is my foe

And my friend is a Furby

And that I know.

By Mado, USA