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Eclipse's Adventure

By Zachary Murray from NS, Canada

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One morning on Furby Island Eclipse was swimming in his swimming pool. He heard his owner coming. He got out of the pool and his owner had a towel in his hand. His owner dried him off and took him inside. Eclipse fell asleep in his big blanket. When he woke up he realized he was in a box. Then he remembered something, his owner was moving and he was having a moving sale! He was sad, he heard somebody coming. He was scared. Then he fell asleep. The next day he woke up in the adoption center! He remembered he had 2 friends at the adoption center the last time he was there. He wondered if they were still there. He checked the sides of him. He looked on the right and he saw his friend Tux! He looked to his left and he saw his friend Cocoa! They were very happy to see each other. Then they were all put in the same box! They were sent on a boat to Canada! Then they were sent on a plane to Ontario! In Ontario they were sent to a house that was painted blue and green. The box was opened and they saw a boy with brown hair. He looked nice. They got out and told him their names. Eclipse said his name first then Tux and then Cocoa. Every Friday and Sunday he would take them in his pool. They were happy that their owner was really nice. The boy would take them to Mcdonalds every Monday and Thursday. They all lived happily ever after.