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Furby Evolution Part 1

By Emily, Canada

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--- In The Beginning--- Little creatures lived in the clouds. They were not very tall; reaching a maximum of a two-hand carrying size, but they were very intelligent. Curious creatures who learned to live and, as a result, lived to learn. They also lived to play, and play they did. They were a diverse species: the fur came in many, many colors. It ranged from natural fur tones such as white and brown to exotic colors such as lime, orange, and bright red, and, truly, every shade in-beetween. Markings were more rare, but they still abounded in some circles - spots, stripes and swirls were sometimes blended into the fluffy, marbled hair. They were creatures of diversity: though each was similar in build, there were many variables in their species. Besides fur colors, the creatures had been seen with an incredible variety of eye colors, voice pitches, and hair length variants. This may have contributed to the creature's unnatural evolution in this odd environment - or possibly the cloud environment contributed to the way the creatures adapted and changed. Then came the fateful day that, for one reason or another, they decided to come to Earth. They fell, supposedly, from their cloud home. How they survived the fall is unknown; though the most important question will always be "Why did they decide to leave their cloudy sanctuary in the first place?".